Be Your Own Boss - and see the success coming your way ! - Deepak Ranjan

Be Your Own Boss – and see the success coming your way !

First of all, I’m not suggesting you to leave your job and start a business venture ! Being your own boss means assessing regularly your performance on the job, understanding the requirements for training & improvements and pushing yourself to perform at your best, like any of your seniors or your Boss would do.

Once you are able to become your own boss, you will stop hesitating in accepting professional suggestions/requirements for training, guidance and support from peers and seniors for improvements in your performance and delivery of jobs. You will start seeking ways to perform at your best level and the result will be highly improved performance at job.

And you know, what happens when you are able to perform at your best ! You get all that you work for ! Recognition, added responsibilities, boost in confidence to accept more challenges, better pay packages….

Now, most important – How to be your own boss ?

To begin with, you will have to start thinking like a BOSS.

Actually, your boss knows your strengths and weaknesses and uses your strengths ( and tries to convert your weaknesses also into some kind of strength for yourself and / or the team) to improve upon deliverables. He wants you to focus and work hard ( and honestly ) on your job and deliverables, he wants you to make ( and follow ) timelines for deliverables, He wants you to use available resources ( man, machine, finances, etc. ) in the best possible way to get the desired results, he wants you to succeed so that you enjoy your job and come out successful this time and every time. By doing this with every member of the team , the Boss ensures that the team performs at its best!

So, as your own boss, you will have to think like your own boss and put all acts in place for your best performance.

And then, only the sky is the limit….


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