Character Builds a Nation - Deepak Ranjan

Character Builds a Nation



Character and Behaviour of any Family, Organisation, Society or a Nation is always same as of its members/  Citizens’ characters because these institutions are made of none but people. So, it is important that focus is made on character-building of citizens if a nation has to succeed. Yes, it is absolutely right to say that “Character builds a Nation”.

Before we move ahead in the discussion, let us read this interesting fact about the great wall of China that is so relevant in this context.

When the ancient Chinese decided to live in peace, they made the great wall of China. They thought no one could climb it due to its great height. During the first 100 years of its existence, the Chinese were invaded thrice. And every time, the hordes of enemy infantry had no need of penetrating or climbing over the wall…

Because each time they bribed the guards and came through the doors. The Chinese built the wall but forgot the CHARACTER-BUILDING of the wall-guards.

This interesting story about the great wall of china is really interesting as it clearly tells us that  the building of human character  comes BEFORE building of anything else.. Nothing can save a nation once the character of its citizens is destroyed

Friends, that’s what our STUDENTS NEED TODAY.

Like one ORIENTALIST said:

If you want to DESTROY THE CIVILISATIONS of a nation there are 3 ways:

  1. DESTROY FAMILY STRUCTURE : In order to DESTROY THE FAMILY: UNDERMINE THE ROLE OF MOTHER, so that she feels ashamed of being a housewife.
  2. DESTROY EDUCATION : To destroy education, you should GIVE NO IMPORTANCE TO TEACHER, and lower his place in society so that the students despise him.
  3. LOWER THEIR ROLE MODELS AND REFERENCES. To lower the role models, you should undermine the Scholars, doubt them until no one listens to them or follows them.

For when a conscious mother disappears, a dedicated teacher disappears and there’s a downfall of role models, WHO will teach the youngsters VALUES?

I am of strong belief that we need to invest more and work hard on character-building of our younger generations than anything else.

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Wish you loads of Success and Happiness.


All the Best !

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