Get LifeGuard. Preparedness Saves-When Challenging times come calling - Deepak Ranjan

Get LifeGuard. Preparedness Saves-When Challenging times come calling

Rajiv is a very successful Sales Manager with “ Aristoware Thermoplastics” ( imaginary  name ). During his last 12 years with this company, he has seen himself growing from the assignment of Sales Executive to ( now ) Sales Manager. He is responsible for Sales Administration to a complete line of Products. Recently, the industry is not doing well and alternative ( and cheaper ) Products have rapidly eaten into their market share. His Company has not been able to come up with a comparable product line in terms of price or benefits to customers. This has resulted into continuous loss of confidence of Dealer Network, Customers, Market Share and Profitability.

Rajiv is called by HR manager and asked to downsize his team by half. He would also have to relocate to a new vertical with a different role in the manufacturing facility and it would effectively mean an end to his Sales Career in this company for the now. This is a big blow to Rajiv and his team and they are forced to ( practically ) look for other suitable jobs. And the Job market is also not doing well right now.  Rajiv and his colleagues face some real challenging times now….

Such Incidents are not rare and many have to face different kind of challenges during career when employment conditions change and sometimes employment itself is threatened ! How do you handle these situations ? It is always wise to prepare for these times to minimise the damaging effects.

Everybody during career ( and life ) goes through different phases. While the good phases pass like breeze, the challenging ones test us for our abilities to cross through them. While some of us handle it well, many find it very difficult and few even succumb to the tough going. Since almost everybody goes though a few rough patches during career, it would be wise to keep oneself prepared to handle these. Because, only the prepared ones can handle them better !

Loss of job, non-availability of suitable job, unfavourable working environments…. do occur during our careers.

My personal learning has taught me that one can easily ( and very successfully ) cross through the challenging phases, given one prepares for it and masters the art. Easier said than done, however, it would need a serious practice and implementation as only the knowledge does not help.

Preparedness Saves:

  1. Remain alert : Change in Industry / company’s internal / external environment and / or various internal issues may initiate the change in your employment scenario. It is always good to remain alert and be able to see the good or bad situation coming your way which will help you take timely, precautionary and preventive action.
  2. Timing of action : Exact timing of actions like making telephonic calls, submitting Resume’, writing emails, connecting to right people, seeking help / guidance from favourable seniors / colleagues / friends really help. Late reactions don’t give the same results.
  3. Find a saviour who holds your hand during tough times. Family, friends, Colleagues, Seniors who can guide you through such a situation. Moral supports are most important and you get it only from Family and Friends.
  4. FOCUS on the results rather than justification for failures. Even if wrong happened, don’t waste time on justifications. See how can you perform at your best with the jobs in your hand. All seniors / Organisations usually like good performers and all seniors are good enough to forget poor performances of past if you can deliver well in their guidance.
  5. Pursuance ( never-give-up-approach ) : Dogged pursuance always wins. Never give up. Continue till you achieve your goal ( applies even to finding a suitable job ).
  6. Work on improving your employability – Improve CV, network through professional sites like LinkedIn, connect to past bosses, colleagues who rate you well, join a professional course like Executive MBA ( if you are not an MBA ).
  7. Keep yourself Happy and rejuvenated, do something daily that makes you happy and rejuvenated. Painting, photography, Adda with friends, reading books, playing favourite games, cooking….
  8. Trust your abilities which will help you bounce back. You reached a level, not without any abilities. So, it is already there. It is only important that you respect your own abilities. Believe me, once you know and trust your abilities, the world will follow.
  9. Read spiritual books ( Note, spiritual books may be different from religious books). There is so much of strength in spiritualism that you will gain enough wisdom to sail through the tough phase. Like Gita, in my understanding, is a spiritual book as it teaches you about handling life, family, Society and country in different situations and not about religious things.
  10. Trust this phase will pass. Nothing is permanent except change. Believe that rough phases are best teachers and once you cross them, you will be able to handle successful phase better.

Wish you Success, Happiness, Peace.

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