USA : The new masters of Indian economy ? - Deepak Ranjan

USA : The new masters of Indian economy ?


Currently the Indian economy and Societies ( and their behavior ) are directly controlled by the Tech companies of USA. You may feel good thinking that most of the US tech giants like Google, FB, Microsoft and even NASA have Indians leading them but the fact is that they are employees of companies who have taken hostage of our economy, people behavior and purchase behavior. See some data before you conclude :

  1. Amazon‘s international business (outside the US), which includes India, recorded a thirdconsecutive quarter of profits. Profits stood at $363 million for the December quarter, compared to a loss of $617 million in the year-ago quarter. Overseas sales jumped by over 54% to $37 billion. Indian market forms a major chunk of this and is growing really fast by every hour.
  2. Facebook users in India : 320 Million; more than USA where 190 Million people use it.
  3. Twitter users in India :More than 34 Million users in India
  4. Now see the penetration of Google, Gmail, Google Map in India

Let’s start with the population of the country: ~ 1.3 billion

Rural: >70% ~ 870 million Urban: 30% = 430 million.

Rural Internet penetration ~ 10–15% (15%) = ~130 million

Urban internet penetration : 70% ~ 300 million

Also Internet pnetration in India overall: ~35% = 455 million (almost same as 130+300=430)

Now, Let’s talk about rural.

Rural users majorily uses internet for entertainment, some for facebook. We can say very few for emails.

So 30% have email accounts. = 39 million

But still today gmail is the most prevalent free email provider, so we can assume 80% market share, rest goes to yahoo!, hotmail , gmali ! (yes Gmali is leveraging the letters of gmail :D)

There are many more like Microsoft, LinkedIn, Apple and others to share with you but this si enough to conclude what control USA Tech and Information Cos have over our people and their thought process.

Source : Google, Wikipedia.

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