Arjun Sinha is the Founder & CEO of TaxSutra.bharat, one of the most successful commercial and income tax advisory and consultancy firm in the country.Based out of Mumbai, TaxSutrahas branches in many cities of India and a couple of them abroad also. They have a massive client list having thousands of StartUps and hundreds of established big players of Indian Corporates and many of MNCs also. Arjun, a Chartered Accountant, and TaxSutra are rated as India’s brightest star and fastest upcoming company in tax advisory services. Arjun is the Blue-eyed boy of Indian StartUp horizon.


2001 was one of the best years in Arjun’s academic achievements. That year, his name was in the list of successful candidates of C.A. Final exams. Ajay Kr Sinha, his father, distributed sweets to all his colleagues in the office while his mother Savitri Sinha immediately rushed to Shree Ganesh Mandir in Patliputra colony, their home in Patna. Next 02 days celebrations continued. All neighbors and friends of Arjun visited his home with sweets and good wishes for a bright future. One of them was his friend Vishal Pathak. Vishal had also cleared C.A. Final exams that year, although in his 3rd attempt. Arvind Pathak, Vishal’s father was also very happy that day. More than Vishal, it was Arvind (his father) who wanted (and rather pushed Vishal) to go for C.A. and today he had succeeded in making Vishal, a C.A.

For Arjun, it was a different case, he wanted to go for it because he always felt, Chartered Accountancy (C.A.) was the most suitable profession for him and he had been able to convince his father Ajay Kr. Sinha for allowing him to go for it instead of Engineering.

Arjun soon started working for M/S MoolchandAssociates, one of the most famous C.A. firms of the country, based out of Kolkata. Soon, Rahul was doing exceptionally well.  2007, Rahul became one of the Managing Partners of the firm. What a career growth story, it had been. Younger colleagues and some aspiring guys looked at Arjun with awe and inspiration while few of the colleagues, peers and some neighbors felt jealous. Arjun knew this despite these guys appearing with big smiles when they met him.

2009, StartUp race was gaining pace in India and many wanted to join the bandwagon, especially youngsters, college students and young corporate employees. However, there were real challenges in forming a company, registering trade marks, filing legal documents and tax returns on one’s own and cost of taking services of an established CA or a legal firm was really prohibitive. Around the same time, Arjun also wanted to start his own venture as he strongly felt that he could do much bigger and better with his own firm. He talked to Ujjwala, his wife on the matter. She was just shocked! What, you want to leave such a successful career and take a plunge with a StartUp ? What if it fails ? and who will fund it? How will she run the household show and their children’s costly education and their costly lifestyle when their regular source of income stops?  Is there any need to take such a big risk? But Arjun was very convinced that he has all that it takes to succeed in the race and it is the best time to get into this space. He could not afford to miss the opportunity that he had sensed. Arjun wanted his family members to be with him (emotionally) in this important journey of his career. He convinced Ujjwala and then his parents and parents-in-law. Coming from an orthodox service class, they all saw Business (startup was a business-to them) as not their cup of tea. However, they had to agree finally seeing the conviction that Arjun had. Also, Arjun had never failed in any of his endeavors because of his preparations, hard-work and commitment. Now, Arjun was ready to take the flight of his dreams….TaxSutra.bharat was born with a 2 room office and a total of three colleagues, including Arjun himself, in Salt lake area of Kolkata.

With excellent, fuss-free, affordable and technology-driven services, TaxSutra soon started making a mark among StartUps who wanted the best of services but exorbitant-fees and slower-working-styles of older CA firms were a challenge till now. TaxSutra was answer to their problems!

Arjun started attending industry conferences, meetings, organized regular webinars, even talks on University and College campuses and soon he started getting clients and making a mark for himself. With excellent, faster and cost-effective services and industry networks, TaxSutra startedgetting some corporate clients also. By early 2012, TaxSutra had thousands of clients spread across the country. Now, they had 4 branches in India.

In 2015, TaxSutra started their office in Dubai. Now, they have one in Singapore also and planning to go west to serve the clients, primarily the NRIs there.

Ujjwala recently told in a get-together in her govt office, how she always supported and was so proud of all the ventures of her husband. Arjun was happily smiling through her speech sitting in the front row that day.

Arjun still starts his day early and does not call it a day till he achieves what he has planned for the day. The “dreamer-doer” within him ensure that the best of Arjun and TaxSutra is still to come.

You may be one of the Arjuns reading this message. Don’t’s waste your opportunity. Today is the best day to start. Use the 7-Sutras of making your dream come true. Once you are sure of your Goal, Aim and Pull the Trigger.

7-Sutras of making your dream come true

  1. Don’t waste the opportunity. Avail, when it knocks.
  2. TODAY is the best dayto start any new job. Tomorrow may never come. Those who keep planning and waiting for the right time, most of the times, they miss the bus. Those who want to do it, take the plunge with all the courage.
  3. YOU are the most suited person. YOU CAN DO IT if anybody else can. Most successful people in the world are actually like you and us. The only difference is that they took the plunge instead of ONLY dreaming about it.
  4. COURAGE is the most important RESOURCEto take the 1stThe 1st step is all that you have to take. Most of the times, it is the flow of it, that will take care of the job. Just keep putting your best and it really happens.Don’t copy others. Everybody’s success formula is different as everybody’s situations are different. Once you take the plunge, keep putting your best and you will find yourself meeting with success.
  5. Don’t care for what people say. Most have not travelled the road you are on, so they don’t know anything about it. Also, they are not as courageous and brilliant as you are. So, pull the trigger.
  6. Don’t’ blindly copy other successful guys.Never do anything just because others succeeded by doing them. Everybody has different situations, abilities and opportunities. Same formula does not fit all.
  7. Pursue till you succeed. Sometimes it may take longer than you imagined. Most of the times, success is just around the corner when people surrendered.

Having an idea, a goal isn’t anything unless you pull the trigger and score the kill. Action is what makes any plan successful in life. So, if you are aiming for something, and you are sure of itbeing right, Re-check and Go, Shoot.PULL THE TRIGGER.

Wishing you loads of success in all your endeavors.

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