Safety Shield-For a healthier you

Safety Shield-For a healthier you

Good Health is one’s biggest asset and it is one’s duty to take any suitable steps to safeguard it.Maintaining hygiene is an integral and important part in this endeavour. While most of us maintain usual (and commonly known and practiced) hygiene, there are few which I have learned from my own practice and find immensely useful for all of us. Sure that it strengthens the “Safety Shield“around you, I share the TEN COMMANDMENTS to a healthier you.

  1. Clean your phone everyday: When was last you cleaned your phone using a good quality sanitizer and microfiber cloth or tissue paper.Please know that you keep your phone at various places like office tables, car / taxi seats, use it (certainly with same hands) after you touch handles in buses, autorickshaws, Metro rail and many likewise public places that are highly contaminated as they are used by thousands of people, many of whom carrying various types of germs and dirt and the same gets transferred to your phone, via your hands. Clean your phone daily. Use good quality sanitizer for that.
  2. Use disposable glass / plates / cups while taking street food: Street food is a part of almost everybody’s life. Some take it really frequently, every now and then. While the food itself is tempting, hygiene of cutlery used to serve these delicacies, are highly doubtful. The water used to clean the utensils, their cleaning process and clothes used to dry them – at every step, there is a demon waiting to attack on your health. DON’T eat at place which don’t serve in disposable glass, plates, cups and spoons. Your health is most important.
  3. Prefer to use your own cups for tea / coffee in your office: Have a beautiful tea / coffee mug and use it. It is not bad to say NO to tea / coffee / water offers in places where you don’t feel safe and hygienic.
  4. Never use your friends/others sunglasses, Jewellery, Headphones or Watches: While you may argue that your friends are as clean, safe and Hygienic as you are, the fact may be that they don’t take good care of these items’ cleanliness as of their own selves. What would be the safety in using a sunglass which is not cleaned properly after use in sun and dirt drapes it in sweats (of the other person). If you must use, then clean it with a sanitizer using microfiber cloth or tissue paper.
  5. Always use NEWclothes only after washing them: I never use any new clothes without washing them. What? you called me insane?NEW clothes look clean, most of the times they are NOT actually. I know that before the clothes come to me, they pass through many hands, machines and process and all the brands don’t use highly sanitized environs at their works! Once washed, they give me a feel of hygiene, safety and security. And they smell normal, too. Try it and you will know the difference. Just by washing, the cloth does not become any older!
  6. Please put your clothes to washtubs once you are back from work/ outside:All of us, during the course of days’ work, go through a grinding process and meet pollution, various people, sit at various places and come back with germ-laden clothes. It is to be told here bluntly because many of us don’t believe in dirt which our naked eyes don’t meet. It is a necessity, not a luxury. Really!It is as important as your routine bath after you are back from your work, everyday. Also, your confidence level will certainly change with fresh, smarter clothing everyday. Implement, don’t think twice.
  7. Handles of your fridge/ door knobs:Need to be cleaned with disinfectant / sanitizer frequently, preferably daily. Don’t make mistakes as you and your family members touch your food immediately after you touch the handle. And are you sure that your hands are always most hygienic before you touch the fridge handle?
  8. Don’t enter your kitchen/ Living rooms directly after coming from outside: When you enter your kitchen with your shoes on and dirty hands / legs, you know what all you carry to your kitchen. Do you need explanation as to why you should not do it? It has been a culture of Indian houses not to allow people with shoes on, in the kitchen. Pass it on to your children as they don’t follow it, always.
  9. Keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in your office/workstation: Without my explanation, you understand how helpful it is, in protecting your health.
  10. Boys, please wash your hands after every visit to washroom:Hello, It is not just another part of the body. You certainly know what I mean…And you have no rights to shake your hands with people without washing your hands after you use washrooms or picking nose or doing what all, only you know. I have really refused shaking hands with people when I have doubts. Sanitizer may also help.

You know that I write on any topic only after I have experienced and LEARNED it and never write on anything just because I KNOW it. This is the reason I have still not written about meditation or Siberia, for that matter. I use all the above points and have always enjoyed a Safer, more Hygienic and Highly Confident Life. With implementation of these steps, you will also find a new and confident yourself which is the first sign of your good health.

Believe me, these are really easy to implement steps.

Wish you Hygiene, Health and Happiness!


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