Strategy to gain an edge over China - Deepak Ranjan

Strategy to gain an edge over China

Strategy to gain an edge over China

In this blog, I suggest a 4-point strategy for India to be able to not only stop China’s aggression and it’s threat to grab Indian land and ocean area but also to gain an edge over China in India’s journey to SuperPowerdom. But before I suggest the strategy, I share some inputs to help you understand, appreciate and justify it.  Trust you enjoy reading into this informative piece. Please share your views in the comment box.

China is a country whose entire development planning and idea to become a superpower revolves around its ever-growing ambition of expanding its geographical boundaries by grabbing the land of neighboring countries and getting smaller countries as allies at international platforms like UN, ICJ etc. . China has grown significantly during last 60 years and currently it has an area of  9.597 million Sq Km.

It happened because during the last 60 odd years, China grabbed large chunk of land from countries like…..

  1. Taiwan ( in 1971 when PRC claimed Taiwan as its own province but not able to occupy it politically )
  2. Pakistan : handed over 5,180 Sq Km of Trans-Karakoram tract by an agreement but this agreement is not recognized as legal by India, which also claims sovereignty over part of the land.
  3. India : Parts of Ladakh, Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh :I 37,555 km2 area in Ladakh known as Aksai Chin in the year 1962
  4. Nepal : Around 36 hectares of land in four districts of Nepal including Rui village, 11 strategic lands, which border China, have been illegally occupied by China but Nepal govt closed their lips on this issue.
  5. Hambantota port of SriLanka and 15,000 acres of land around it for 99 years in 2017.
  6. Mongolia ( its southern Part )
  7. Parts of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan
  8. Hongkong ( Returned to Chinese control in 1997 after it was leased to the British for 99 years. It is to remain an automous body till 2047 but china has no patience to wait till then and It’s autonomy has already gone for the toss. )

And it is also attempting to grab large chunk of land in African countries by giving them huge amount of loan which china also knows that they will not be able to repay and it will grab their land.

Some African countries such as Kenya, South Africa, Nigeria, Zambia, Djibouti, Republic of Congo, and Egypt may fall under this Debt-trap diplomacy.

It is not only Land that China has always attempted to grab, it has also attempted to grab large chunks of Ocean and its natural assets.

For example take South China Sea, Beijing wants to gain control over the South China Sea for the rights of passage, and access to resources—fish, oil, and gas. Also strengthen its overall presence in the Indian Ocean, displaying its military power in the western Indian Ocean & enhancing the capacity of its Djibouti Naval base, on the shores of East Africa

It is this expansionist ambition of China which is a big threat to India as China is continuously attempting to not only grab large chunks of land in Northern Part of Ladakh, Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh but also attempting to control large parts of Indian Ocean which has high natural resources as well as it is of high International commercial value.

China is very well aware of Military might of India and therefore it is using various tactics to succeed in its efforts. Some of the main are :

  1. Winning the faith and confidence of India’s neighbors : By providing them huge loan in the name of Infrastructure development ( Nepal, Pakistan and SriLanka ), almost tax-free trade relations ( like it has recently done with Bangladesh, Providing them arms and ammunitions in the name of security ( like it has done with Pakistan ) and Providing them support on International Platform like UN, ICJ ( International Court of Justice ) etc ( Like it has done with Pakistan ). By doing this, China thinks that when it attacks India, Its neighbors like Pakistan who are always desiring to beat India in a war, will also attack it and winning over India will become much easier.
  2. Attacking the economy of India : Due to cheap labor availability and less investment in High quality product development and huge availability of manpower, China has become manufacturing hub of the world. It ensures that its companies ( which are primarily state owned ) sell cheaper options of popular items in its target country ( especially India ) whereas it sells good quality material also in the quality conscious western countries ( but there also cheaper than other manufacturers ). This all ensures that China is always able to beat local companies and force them all to become only trading houses instead of remaining Manufacturing and Marketing companies. This has largely changed the fabric of Indian economy during last 10 years and now India is realizing how hard it has been hit, economically but is still fighting to come out of this trouble.
  3. Influencing Political and Social wings of various Students and Political outfits : These outfits are supported financially and materialistically to destabilize ( or influence, as the requirement may be ) the ruling Governments so that Governments can not focus on developmental work and is continuously disturbed. Many a times, CCP ( China’s Communist Party ) is also blamed of influencing elections in India’s neighboring countries like Nepal and Pakistan so that the decisions and work of elected Govts may be influenced by Chinese Govt.
  4. Engaging elected Governments, Armed Forces top brass and Leading Govt Nodal and Enforcement agencies in discussions and Negotiations to confuse them into CCP trying to improve relations while the history proves they never honour such treaties / agreements with anybody or any organization. Such activities are only eywash.

Now, under such a situation, apart from strengthening Armed Forces,  what shall be India’s strategy to strengthen its position to beat China. I suggest a 4- Point formula which in my understanding is the best way to beat China, both in Short and Long term.

Pls read these points carefully and share your views /suggestions in the comment box.

  1. Support Most-favored-status, Tax-Free trade with all our neighbors :

It  is important to note that all our neighbors are developing 3rd world countries and struggling with unemployment, Low per capita income, poor infrastructure development and poor opportunities to trade successfully ( commercially beneficially ) all local produce.

Also, if you look closely at Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and even Sri Lanka and Bhutan, you will find that not only our languages but eating and social habits are also very close to each to each other’s and far-far away from Chinese. This will help us immensely in our relationship development with them.

When we support Free trade, it will lower the cost of many items which the other markets need and develop employment opportunities too. Companies will also start setting up processing units, marketing units and economic development will happen and trust will also be developed. This will bring us further closer and diminish the chances of acceptance of opportunities offered by the Chinese.

Once you are in very good trade and economic relationships, then many other issues are handled very easily.

  1. Sufficient Financial aid to all neighbors for infrastructure dev , primary health & primary education , Sports development.

Looking into the past and in present scenario also, you will find that 3rd world countries are always more in favour of those countries who invest in their basic infrastructure development and investment in health and education sectors. Learning by this, we should start investing in all our neighboring countries. Same we have done in Afganistan, Maldives and Bhutan and we know the results.

For example, in Nepal, after the devastating earthquake in 2015, India was in the best position to invest in reconstruction and win the hearts of Nepali citizens and get more closer to Nepali Govt but it lost the opportunities to Chinese who by merely invest equivalent to a few hundred million USD,  are seen as the one who supported them.

  1. Fund separation / Freedom of all nations captured by China like Tibet, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, etc.

Tit for Tat.

It would be a good idea to support freedom movements of Tibet, HongKong, Mongolia and Turkmenistan from China so that China is more involved in handling its own affairs and its strength to fight with India is weakened.

  1. Allow subsidized higher education to students from all neighboring countries except China.

People always have respect and good feeling and learn about the culture and good things about the place they study. In Asia, India has one of the best Higher education facilities especially in Science and Technology. It should offer seats in the leading institutions of higher educations at a subsidized rates. Those students who study in our country will  always be supportive of our rich culture and heritage and it will help us strengthening our ties with Political system as well as bureaucracy of those countries.

Let us understand that implementation of this 4 –Point strategy does not mean any compromises in further strengthening of our Armed Forces. The morale of our armed forces is one of the highest amongst the leading militaries in the world and nothing can otherwise also beat them.

These are 4 major points which when used, will start immediately working towards the weakening of the Chinese plans to weaken India and we will see the desired results coming in our favour.

You must have seen India is sure my video “ India : The Next SuperPower. India is destined to become World Superpower before 2030, implementation of this 4-point policy will help it further.


Jai Hind.



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