It is a fact that LEADERS ARE MADE Not Born. Everybody and YOU have a fair chance of becoming a leader.

Leaders have some common set of behaviour which they achieve through a very disciplined life. They leverage the art of self-discipline by creating a foundational set of good habits that help them to see things through. 

Research says that almost 40 % of our behaviour is habit-driven. Habit is formed once we do any work repeatedly. With self-discipline, we can inculcate the habit of doing something repeatedly, like Brushing and cleaning your teeth before you go to bed every night.

By instilling few good habits in your life, disciplining becomes easier. Although it may take some time as habits are not made overnight but then, continuous practice will convert into habit which will make you disciplined and you would be on your way to LEADERSHIP.

Here are a set of good habits that almost every leader has. Go ahead, instill these in your life and you can also BECOME A LEADER.

Habits for Keeping Mind in Positive Mode

Gratitude – Cribbing over current situation, wanting more and feeling negative  is sure to pull-down your thinking and performance. The effects of gratitude are far-reaching. From improving our mental health, to our emotional well being  and our spirituality, gratitude can do so much. But most importantly, it helps to move us away from a state of lack and towards a state of abundance.
Forgiveness – Anger, guilt and regret create more problems than they solve. Love and Forgiveness consume far less energy than Hate and anger. Learn to let go and move on ( to Happiness, Life and Success. )
Meditation –Helps us live a focused life by not worrying about the common things that tend to weigh us down. Does not take long. 10-15 minutes of solitude, being with yourself, in peace. Keep your mind still and don’t let it wander.

Habits for Keeping Body in ready-to-go, alert and performing Mode

Eat Healthy – Saves your body huge energy in processing the food and supplying the required boost to body and mind. Our body spends approximately 20-25 % of energy in processing food only. If you eat unhealthy,  body spends so much of energy unnecessarily in processing them. Eating fruits and raw food ( say, salad ) is really awesome. Home cooked simple food is fantastic. and yes, eating on time helps !
Sleep Well -Required for body and mind to recuperate. Sleeping and getting up on time is actually discipline. It helps by sharpening memory, decreasing fatigue and being alert ( physically and mentally ). For a normal person, 6 to 7 hours of undisturbed sleep is required. You would be surprised to know that most of the leaders sleep and get up at defined time. So much of discipline.
Exercise- A cornerstone of life filled with good habits, putting exercise in your morning routine is a gateway to a disciplined and successful life. It saves on the loss of time that you would otherwise spend with doctors and losing opportunity to achieve goals, It Improves alertness, focus and eagerness and ability to go that extra mile ( literally to achieve goals in life ).

For Improving Focus ( On Target )

Active Goal-Setting- Unlike passive goals ( which are only in mind ), active goals are the ones which are written-down, Concrete, defined and have a profound meaning. Are specific and measurable and you have a clear plan to achieve them. Like achieving success in an examination. Active goal-setting instils discipline. It is like knowing which place we are driving our car to and at what speed. Long term goals should be broken into short-term ones. Like having a daily goal and then chasing to achieve them !

For Better Resource Utilization

 Organization -A habit that needs to be wholly embodied, not only in your professional life, but also in your personal life. This includes organizing the items in your home and office along with the items in your mind. Helps in saving time for other jobs instead of looking for things when required.
Time Management  -Largely derived from our ability to effectively manage our time, many fail on this account – One of the main reasons of failures in achieving goals in life.  The prominent time managers of the world are also some of the most successful people in their respective fields. Why? Because they use time as a benefit rather than a detractor.

Claiming and Retaining your Leadership

Persistence -Achieving goals is hard and there are always chances of losing hope and giving up. A mindset of not giving up till achieved is the key. No set of discipline and habits would be complete without persistence. Persistence is that certain habit that helps us to not give up. Even when we do fail, it allows us to get back up again. Without the habit of persistence, self-discipline would be largely impossible.
Continuous Learning – Helps you maintain the Leadership that you achieved. The Moment you believe that you / your learning are PERFECT ( or you don’t really need to learn something new ) you are done.  you lose the opportunity to grow further ( to achieve your goals and LEADERSHIP Position ).

Wish you Happiness, Success and Leadership !

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